We offer a variety of different treatments for a wide range of injuries and conditions. Every patient is assessed and treated as an individual, so specific treatments will vary from person to person.
Our core principals of treatment concentrate on expert ‘hands-on treatment’ which include soft tissue release techniques, and joint mobilisation and manipulation. This is coupled with bespoke prescribed exercise programmes, specifically tailored to each individual patient and condition, and designed to regain flexibility, strength and function.
Explore some of the other treatments available using the categories below to see how we can help.

Shockwave (ESWT) Therapy
About shockwave therapy (ESWT) and how it can help long-standing soft tissue pain.
Shockwave therapy or Extra Corporal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for long-standing tendon pain. It is a highly effective alternative treatment option to injections or surgery for stubborn chronic injuries. Ideal for those who don’t seem to be able to get rid of their symptoms despite every effort. The following list are some of the common conditions that have been shown to improve greatly following a course of shockwave therapy:
Achillies tendinopathy
Tennis & Golfer’s elbow
Plantar fasciopathy
Patella and Quadriceps tendinopathy
Gluteal and Hamstring tendinopathy
Rotator Cuff and Biceps tendinopathy
Shockwave therapy is clinically proven and is now recognised and recommended by NICE (UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). Shockwave uses high energy sound waves to produce a rapid increase in blood circulation, break down scar tissue and promote an acute inflammatory healing process. Recent research suggests that after between 3 and 5 treatments, over 80% of patients reported a reduction of pain and improvement in function.

Acupuncture & Dry Needling
Acupuncture is an ideal complement to your physiotherapy treatment to promote relaxation and relieve pain.
Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine in which fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes. Western medical acupuncture or dry needling uses the same needles as traditional Chinese acupuncture. The only difference is a slight change in the application of the needles and the theory underpinning the technique.
It is thought that the acupuncture treatment stimulates nerves under the skin and in the muscle tissue to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals such as endorphins. The treatment may also cause the brain and spinal cord to produce other bioactive substances such as melatonin (which promotes sleep) and serotonin (commonly known as the happy hormone).
It is likely these substances are responsible for the beneficial effects seen with acupuncture by enabling the body’s healing processes and providing analgesia. In addition to these benefits of acupuncture, Dry Needling main aim is to release tight soft tissues and improve flexibility by inserting the needle directly into a muscular ‘trigger point’. Both can be very effective at aiding recovery particularly when combined with other physiotherapy treatments such as manual therapy and exercise.
Because of its recognised effectiveness, Acupuncture treatment is used in many NHS general practices, as well as pain clinics and hospices. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) also recommends considering acupuncture as a treatment option for conditions such as chronic lower back pain, tension-type headaches and migraine.
Some of our therapists, but not all, have taken extra training to be able to offer Acupuncture and are registered members of Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP). If you are looking for Acupuncture treatment specifically, be sure to ask the reception staff if your therapist provides it.

Therapeutic Massage
Massage is a highly effective treatment for releasing tension and re-balancing to the musculoskeletal system.
Everyone can benefit from massage; from the elderly who wish to maintain flexibility, function and independence, and the office worker suffering from postural stress and tension looking for relief, to an athlete looking to help with recovery, preventing injury and helping to achieve optimal performance.
Reduces muscle tension
Increases flexibility
Improves circulation
Promotes relaxation
Assists Sleep
Reduces stress
We offer a range of different massage experiences
Sports Massage
A specific type of massage for an athlete to help prevent injury and ensure to body is able to perform at its peak. Pre-event assists in preparation, ensuring muscle and soft tissue are supple and ready for performance. Post-event accelerates recovery to ensure on-going training is not disrupted. Maintenance assists in managing and preventing longer term issues such as repetitive strain.
Deep Tissue Massage
A harder penetrating massage to reduce muscle tension and increase flexibility, ideal for those feeling stiff.
Holistic relaxation massage
A more calming experience to aid stress relief, reduce swelling and pain using more gentle strokes.

Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vestibular rehabilitation is a specifically designed series of exercise programs and manual therapy aid to help improve balance, dizziness or vertigo related problems.
Each bespoke program is designed by a Physiotherapist who has specialist training in treating vestibular disorders. Anyone who has been diagnosed with, or experiences dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, neck movement dizziness, Meniere’s Syndrome or suffer from regular headaches or migraines may benefit from starting a vestibular rehabilitation program.

Ultrasound therapy is an electrotherapy treatment which has been used in physiotherapy practices for many years. It has been found to be effective in treating acute injuries to soft tissue such as muscle, ligament and tendon.
It works by transmitting high frequency sound waves, focussed around the site of an injury by gently moving an ultrasonic head over the affected area. Ultrasound is thought to accelerate healing and the inflammatory process by attracting more mast cells to the site of injury. This causes an increase in blood flow which can be beneficial in the sub-acute phase of tissue injury. Ultrasound may also stimulate the production of more collagen – the main protein component in soft tissue such as tendons and ligaments, and have a positive effect on fibrous scar tissue which may form after an injury.